Running FreeRTOS on Launchpad MSP430F5529

Glad to announce I finally made some progress on using FreeRTOS! In this post I’ll write about how to modify the example code for MSP430F5438,which is an evaluation board with abundant peripherals,to work on MSP430F5529,which is a very popular Launchpad board.First,I’ll talk about how to run the “Hello World” using FreeRTOS,which is a simple blinking LED program.Then I’ll upgrade the code used in my sensor project and make it run on FreeRTOS. Continue reading “Running FreeRTOS on Launchpad MSP430F5529”

Evaluating Sensor Hub with Launchpad MSP430

In this project,a firmware was developed to acquire data from several sensors,including MPU9150,BMP180,SHT21,SIL29023,and TMP006.A simple I2C interface protocol was developed to communicate with sensors.Several filtering algorithms are applied to eliminate sensor noise,including moving average filter,median value filter,FIR lowpass filter.Device angle was calculated using atan(arc tangent)function and data fusion of gyroscope and accelerometer.An User interface consisted of switches,LEDs,and PC text output was built to evaluate different sensors and switch between low power mode and working mode.Finally all the raw sensor data and filtered data were sent to PC through UART and plotted in real-time.  Continue reading “Evaluating Sensor Hub with Launchpad MSP430”

Simulation of BLDC Motor Speed PI Control in Simulink

This is the final project of my course Adjustable Speed Motor Drive.Thanks to Prof. Bilal Akin I’ve so much valuable knowledge about motor drive.

This post is a summary of my project report.
Continue reading “Simulation of BLDC Motor Speed PI Control in Simulink”

Mini Stereo Digital Audio Processor (MSDAP)

This is a course project of ASIC.MSDAP is a low-cost, low-power and application specific mini stereo digital audio processor used in a hearing aid.The main function of this processor is a two-channel, 256 order, finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter.It receives 16 bits voice data(sampled at 48 kHz) and computes the FIR result at the speed of 26.88MHz.This is still an ongoing project,which is supposed to be finished in Dec 2015.Right now it’s designed in behavioral level later on it will be designed in RTL level.I’ll update this post and put all my works here here but before that I can only show part of this project,otherwise I’ll be mistaken for copying someone else’s code :P
Continue reading “Mini Stereo Digital Audio Processor (MSDAP)”

Prototyping An Entrance Guard System

This is a project I’ve in 2014 and later on it was posted right here 门禁系统的设计与实现-2014.12.6更新(in Chinese).
In this project I tried to build an Entrance Guard System using Atmega328.Here’s the main features:
  • LCD screen and keyboard for interacting
  • Voice communication(telephone quality)
  • Relay circuit for controlling 12v magnetic door lock
  • Password login

Continue reading “Prototyping An Entrance Guard System”